Course Description + Objectives

Heel Your Sole Foot Care Advanced Nursing Foot Care Course Information

Course Overview/ Description:

This program is designed to provide nurses with advanced knowledge, skills, and abilities to improve the foot

health of individuals in the community. They will learn the most current and evidence-based technologies to

provide safe and effective care of the feet as a member of the interdisciplinary foot care team.

Course Objectives:

At the completion of this course the nurses will be able to:

1. Be aware of the different treatment options available for the different medical concerns and be able to

educate the patient on the benefits and risk of each one. For example – if a patient presented with an

ingrown toe nail, the nurse could discuss the benefits and risks of packing the nail, removing the distal spicule

of nail or referring to a podiatrist for a partial nail avulsion. The nurse will then be able to obtain informed

consent after reviewing the benefits and risks with the patient.

2. Obtain a comprehensive health history to assess for co-morbidities directly related to diseases of the feet.

3. Perform physical assessment of the lower legs and feet to determine the presence of diseases and treatment options.

4. Demonstrate the safe use of foot care instruments including nippers, splitters, scissors, curette, blacks file, diamond deb file, monofilament, and rotary instruments.

5. Assess the need and provide a referral for fitting of prescription compression devices and other compression therapies to prevent complications due to chronic venous insufficiency and edema of the lower limbs along with instruction in their proper use and application. Please note this is in addition to the standard education nurses receive regarding TED stockings in their basic training.

6. Design treatment plans for patients with various diseases of the feet including onychocryptosis, plantar fasciitis, gout, and heloma durum

7. Explain the roles and responsibilities of the interdisciplinary foot care team and refer as necessary and appropriate.

8. Use current and evidenced-based technologies to provide safe and effective foot care.

Course Content:

- Purpose of foot & nail care including changes due to chronic disease and aging

- Infection control standards and guidelines

- Foot care terminology

- Foot care instruments and their safe and appropriate use

- The anatomy and physiology of the lower leg, foot and nail

- Foot and nail conditions including definition, cause, prevention and treatment of 35 of the most

commonly seen issues including onychocryptosis, plantar fasciitis, gout, heloma durum and more

- High risk assessments including the disease processes of diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, circulatory

issues like chronic venous insufficiency and critical limb ischemia, ulcer formations and more

- Biomechanics of the lower leg and foot and clinical implications

- The foot care interdisciplinary team and their areas of specialty

- Padding techniques

- Foot wear and compression therapy

- Documentation including obtaining consent and a pertinent medical history

- Discussion of current evidenced based technologies

Course Structure:

The nurses will complete the required pre-study readings and assignments and will then attend class for 4 - eight hour days with homework each evening. Two of these days are spent reviewing theory and two are for the clinical aspect of the course.

Teaching Methods:

The nurses will be taught through a combination of independent studies, class time and hands on clinical practice. This will be delivered through relevant readings, power point presentations, study questions, case studies, group discussions, clinical videos and hands on practicum.

Methods of Evaluation:

The nurses will write an examination following the theoretical portion of the class with a minimum grade requirement of 80%. They will then provide a minimum of 12 hours of clinical practice under the supervision of an advanced nursing foot care instructor.

Credential Awarded:

A certificate of completion of 84 hours in advanced nursing foot care will be issued upon the successful completion of the course.